magyar English hrvatski
568 settlements
75.245 luminaires
104.195 meter replacements
7.268 connection installs

Our Services

Energy trading

Besides the best market prices, our main consideration is customer satisfaction. For this, we are at Your disposal.

Electrical design

Power grid construction

Our core activities include the installation and setting-up of various low and medium voltage electrical grids and systems. As well as making existing power grids suitable for the implementation of low-voltage systems.

Solar power systems

We also design and build residential solar panels and solar power plants. No energy generated by these systems is lost.

Consumer grid connection installation

Our company is experienced in the installation of consumer connections in a large area of the country, for underground and overhead type also.

Electric meter location activities

We are market leaders in expired certified electric meter replacements in the region. We replace tens of thousands of meters each year, with the necessary meter conversion work too.

Public lighting modernization

Our company plays a significant role in the renovation of Hungary’s public lighting. Municipalities can save up to 30-40% by modernizing their public lighting.

Public lighting maintenance

We also play an important role in maintaining the country's public lighting. Our company has several maintenance models.


Customer support



48hours max

Damage controll

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If you want to work with a creative team – get in contact with us.
